Transportation From The Airport

City Transport

Use BUS and METRO, there is not direct connection unfortunately.

More information about Prague city transportation can be found on this official website.

This is the most convenient and fastest solution (±30 minutes to reach your apartment):

  • Take BUS nr. 119 to "Nádraží Veleslavín" (metro line A), 15 minutes
    • There are stops in front of Terminal 1 and Terminal 2
  • You will need a CZK 32 ticket. Stamp it when you get on the bus.
  • Take METRO line A from "Nádraží Veleslavín" to "Staroměstská", 12 minutes
  • From "Staroměstská" it is just a short walk, 400 meters, 10 minutes
    • Here is the map, how to get from the metro station to our address

Bus AE (Airport Express)

A special airport bus providing direct interconnection of air, rail and urban mass transit from 5:30 to 22:30.

  • interval: 15 – 30 minutes
  • travel time: 33 minutes
  • fare:
    • the regular PIT tariff is not valid, tickets are non-transferrable and single-trip, valid only on this particular line
    • purchase tickets from the driver
    • Adults
      • Main Train Station – Airport: 60 CZK
      Child 6-15 age, fare for a dog
      discount 50%
      Child to the 6 age
      free of charge
      free of charge
    • Appropriate Czech Railways travel documents as well as international travel documents issued abroad are also valid on this line.
  • route: Main Train station (metro C, train)Airport Terminal 1Airport Terminal 2

Taxi From The Airport

Taxi cabs offer their services directly in front of the arrival halls of Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 nonstop 24 hours a day.

As an alternative you may use any other taxi service at Parking Express P1 and P2, but is is necessary to order the car online or by call when you are leaving the arrival hall. Chect out this (for example) website.

The apartment block is located in a pedestrian zone, so cars are banned.

Ask the driver to drop you off at the junction "Linhartská" and "U Radnice".

From there it is just 100 meters.

Private Transfer

There are a lot of companies offering private transfers.

The driver waits in your arrival hall holding a sign for easy identification.
He knows the flight number, so in case of any delay he waits for free.

The price is usually CZK 650 per standard car, CZK 950 per small minibus.

If you are interested in such a service, please ask us.